

Our food benefit includes breakfast, a mid-morning snack, and a complete lunch for all our staff, both administrative and operational.

When shifts are scheduled until 7:00 pm, the meal plan also includes dinner.

This benefit has a value of $30,500 Colombian pesos biweekly for all personnel.

School kit and school bonus

In the month of January, all our staff with children between 5 and 17 years old receive a school kit comprising: 5 notebooks, 2 pencils, 2 pens, 1 eraser, 1 sharpener, and 1 pencil case. This kit is given depending on the number of children of the employee, meaning that if the employee has 3 children, they will receive 3 kits.

In the same month, all employees, regardless of having children or not, receive a bonus of $100,000 Colombian pesos for educational assistance.

Bonus for our store

To commemorate special occasions like birthdays, the holiday season, or Family Day, our employees receive a bonus to redeem for clothes at our brand store, Bonara.

Also, through this bonus, we encourage the attendance of the employees and try to decrease the percentage of absenteeism among our employees.

Special day celebrations

Through our food service, we have several celebrations of special occasions in our company like as Women's Day, Men's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Love & Friendship Day, and Christmas.

We usually have special food during these days, either for lunch (main meal) or mid-morning snacks.

Also, through this bonus, we encourage the attendance of the employees and try to decrease the percentage of absenteeism among our employees.

Adult education

We offer our employees, free of charge, the opportunity to validate both primary and high school education through our agreement with Comfama and the UCO (Cooperative University of Colombia).

This activity takes place in the company's facilities on Saturdays after the work shift. Also, the graduation ceremony is held in our facilities, where they can be accompanied by their close family members.

We usually have special food during these days, either for lunch (main meal) or mid-morning snacks.

Also, through this bonus, we encourage the attendance of the employees and try to decrease the percentage of absenteeism among our employees.

Little school

Every year, for the high season (starting from June), a group of people referred by active employees of the company is enrolled to initiate themselves in the textile art of clothing manufacturing.

In this course, the selected people receive a payment of 1SMMLV COP (current legal monthly minimum wage in Colombian pesos (COP)). While learning the operation of machines such as: flat, filleting, coating, left knife, among others.

Birthday celebration

Each of our employees receives, on their birthday, an orange cake with candles and a bonus to redeem at our own-brand store.

Five-year periods

Every year, during the months of November and December, we hold a celebration where we recognize the seniority of our employees.

During this celebration, special recognition is given to those employees who have been with us for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of service.


In our company, we have agreements with different types of entities through which employees can:

Realize payroll loans at very low-interest rates.

Realize savings plans

Purchase cinema tickets and snack combos at very low prices.

Enroll in short courses under the name of the employee or their beneficiaries, with the benefit of the payroll deduction.

Housing fair

In order to encourage our employees to comply with the dream of owning their own homes, we have a day when different entities attend to provide information about the possibilities and resources available to them. We have talks and entities like as:

Subsidized housing talk (by the compensation fund)

Severance Funds

Banks with the best mortgage interest rates in the market.


Sport activities

Monthly we have 2 physical activities in charge of a sports education graduate who accompanies the people enrolled in this activity, developing and directing different classes like as:
Aerobic rumba
Functional training

Special recognitions

We accompany our employees in the celebration of important dates and events like as:

Graduations for themselves and their children (gift for the graduating student)

Pregnancies (gift for the baby)

Weddings (5-day leave)


In our company, we are present in the difficult moments of our employees, such as:

Bereavement leave (flower arrangements or mourning aid)

Calamities (paid leave, disaster assistance)


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