
We are committed to the environment.

Inside the company, we generate some strategies aimed at reducing our impact on the environment. Some of them are:

Campaigns of love and connection with the environment.

Bottles of love

The Vitia Foundation promotes the filling of bottles with flexible packaging waste generated in schools, businesses, and homes, to transform them into plastic wood used to build playgrounds, urban furniture, and housing for vulnerable populations.

A cover for life campaign

The Funicancer Foundation collects all kinds of plastic caps with the aim of raising funds to meet the economic needs that arise during the oncological treatment of minors.

Pilas con el ambiente

Pilas con el Ambiente gives appropriate management to the delivered batteries and accumulators, according to the regulations for the handling of these waste materials.

Quimetales is responsible for the integral management of hazardous and special waste, and also contributes to the sustainable development of the country through the implementation and management of good environmental practices.

Styrofoam collection

To contribute to the environment, the company disposes of expanded polystyrene (EPS) with environmentally committed companies that use this material for the construction of sustainable and long-lasting spaces.

Pest control

Through the company Metrofumigaciones, pest control is carried out semi-annually, and at the same time, this activity is reinforced by promoting clean and healthy spaces.

Did you know?

The company Confecciones Millar already has 70% LED lighting, which is much more eco-friendly than any other type of lighting, representing more savings and efficiency.

100% of the sewing machines have Servomotor technology, which can save up to 75% in energy consumption compared to a traditional motor, being amortizable in a very short time. This contributes to the improvement of environmental conditions and represents an important economic factor. It has a digital panel where several parameters can be regulated such as the maximum speed, and the direction of the motor (which regulates the operating hours), helping to immediately start the operation of the machine.

Other topics of interest that cause environmental impact:

We have an environmental policy.

An annual survey is conducted by DANE in compliance with current legal regulations.

The MES plan is under development.

An efficient water use program is in place, in addition to that, an analysis of the water was carried out with Proycom, ensuring that we have clean spaces.

An up-to-date program for handling and storing chemical substances is maintained.

There is a matrix of environmental impacts.

An environmental management department is defined.

We have a report issued by ARL that guarantees good environmental practices developed by the company

A housekeeping program was developed to recycle, reuse and maintain the company's order and cleanliness conditions.

Environmental measurements are being carried out to guarantee a healthy environment and promote improvement actions.

A grease trap is used to separate the solid waste and grease that goes down the washing and food portioning basins of the company's restaurant.

Collection of used batteries

Bottle Caps Collection

Recycling program

Waste separation program

Month plan

Water and energy saving and efficient use program


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